A new cyber conference starting Saturday, October 16 – see the calendar for more information!
Betwixt & Between Cyber Conference – Using Tarot as Portal Magic
Presented by the Twin Cities Tarot Collective.
Dive deep into eight unique workshops that help you experience first hand how to use tarot for the kinds of magic needed in these times. The first 78 to sign up will also receive a PDF of a Tarot Rosary Prayer for Contemplation or Meeting Death by Carolyn Cushing!
Featuring presentations by Nancy Antenucci, Meg Miller, Liz Worth, JoAnne Makela, Nell Morningstar, Sam Lofgren, and James Wells, the cyber conference starts at 9am on Saturday, October 16, and will be available for purchase and access through November 12.
More information and registration available at the Facebook event page.
Register for this event via EventBrite