Our Worm Moon guild gathering’s theme is Wheel of Fortune.
This gathering is an opportunity for us to sit around our virtual kitchen table and discuss our own interpretations of, and experiences of, the Major Arcana card the Wheel of Fortune. As always, we will also make time to talk about new decks we have received or that have become available, and to discuss how Tarot has changed our lives in the last month, and how Tarot itself has changed for us.
The Worm Moon was named for the worm trails that would appear in the newly thawed ground. For us in the northland it might be better called ‘Mouse Moon’, since the melting snow in our yards and fields and forests is revealing the intricate web of trails that mice have made to get from their homes to their work places, storage larders, and their favorite discos and pubs.
Like mouse trails in the snow, the effects of the Wheel of Fortune often can only be seen after the snow begins to thaw. It is always around us, snow or summer, a wheel in endless motion that often spins unseen.
But when things are going particularly well, or when things are going particularly badly, we again perceive those tracks in the melting snow. Reminded that there is much in our world, and in our lives, and even in our own selves that we really, truly, do not control.
If you are an optimistic nihilist, the wheel may seem a reassuring reminder that the endless grinding of the mechanism of an unknowable and infinite universe cares not for us, and we are liberated to choose for ourselves what to make of the time that is ours.
If instead you prefer more control of your life and your affairs, a predictable existence within an ordered universe that respects the laws of existence including the law of attraction, the wheel is a reminder that there is an Order and a Law. The four alchemical building blocks of mercury, sulfur, water and salt form the four elements which are the pillars of existence. And the wheel is guided by the three figures surrounding the wheel, representing descent, death, knowledge, birth, ascent and strength – all under the gaze of angelic beings, and stamped with the demesne of Yod Heh Vau Heh, the four letter unpronounceable name of God.
Whether the wheel is up for us, or down for us, yet it spins.
A reminder that an actor’s time on the stage is brief.
Please join us at our virtual kitchen table on Saturday, March 19 at 3:00 PM (Central time) to discuss this amazing card!
Detailed Zoom Information
Detailed Zoom Information for the meeting.
Topic: Mar 19 – TCTG Guild Gathering – Wheel of Fortune
Time: Mar 19, 2022 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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